Donnerstag, 15. Januar 2009

Interactive Installation NY ArtsBeijing Gallery Hegezhuang February 09

The Labyrinth of Elements – to walk into the interior, turn round and return on the path to the exterior. Allowing life and the recognition of everyday symbols and events to be as they are. Nothing is perfect and everything has the ability to change.
An installation to be experienced a art action in communicative art exchange with artists and visitors on place.
Organizing international art exchanges comes out my AION artwork. The philosophy behind AION is the primal geometry taken from symbols in nature: the first signs found in all ancient cultures throughout the world. Primal geometry connects ALL cultures over ALL time.
Primal geometry - ten symbols found in nature - has been a spiritual awakening and an unending source of inspiration for the artist. Empowered by the symbolic energy in primal geometry, Barbara Streiff's work reflects all cultures, all religions, and all time.
To further the evolution and transformation of traditional art into innovative and modern forms by communicating with artists all over the world without forgetting the forests of the Swiss Alps. In homage to nature and the everyday experiences which lead us on the path of insight and realisation.
The Labyrinth of Elements consists of 48 pictures painted while meditating on the elements water, air, earth and fire. A square copper bowl, on which the archaic symbols of nature have been burned, is located in the centre of the labyrinth.
In observing nature and her workings, I have found ten symbols which appear in all cultures and religions and span all ages.
Each of these symbols can be interpreted positively or negatively, and often a time of plenty is preceded by massive destruction. A volcanic eruption can destroy many living creatures. However volcanic soil is the most fertile, out of which new life will grow.

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